Monday, May 02, 2005

Mirror, Mirror on the wall…

I just came across this article. It talks about Aishwarya on the Oprah Winfrey show. (I think the show is already broadcast) Anyway, there is a link in the article to the David Letterman show and it claims that Ash did fine on the show! Excuse me Mr.Author of that article. Did you see that show or was it a press release by one of Ash’s PR agency?

What on earth do you mean by 'that she did fine'? Contrary to what the Indian media had projected, that show (Letterman) was an absolute failure. It was a disaster, I think Letterman cut the show off early & they went to a break where more than the fair share of advertisements was shown that day. Ask Ash, she will tell you. She seemed disinterested in the whole show. As a viewer who constantly follows the Jay Leno, David Letterman, Jon Stewart and Conan O'Brien, I could see that Ash was out of place in that Letterman interview. Her PR advisers had forgotten to tell her that a Late night show is all about letting your hair down & being funny. This is not crossfire or hard talk! You do not have to talk about facts here, but just be funny. The secret to success in a late night show is about being able to laugh at your self. So many times in that interview she snubbed Letterman (Indian media have reported that it was a witty remark!).

But one thing stood out, when asked if she still stays with her parents, Ash shot back saying that yes and that she does not have to take appointments to meet the parents (as they do in US). Though it was a good answer, her body language sounded more aggressive than funny. From when have we started comparing Indian culture to US?? Be proud of our culture & heritage, but that does not mean that you take pot shots at others culture. It is because of their (US) culture that US breeds entrepreneurship. Anyway that’s a whole different topic.

I think this is how the conversation ended:

DL: “How did you get in to films”…(he was looking for Ash to tell him a story, so that while the message reaches the audience, he can also be funny with her with his word play)… But Ash was too upright, refused to be lured into a conversation & shot back at DL “How did you start doing this (your show)?”

Ash sucked big time in the show. She disappointed with her choice of dress as well..a short skirt & leather jacket!...when was that fashionable..? 80s? Some of her answers were more or less the same that was said on CBS 60 minutes as well. But that’s not her fault; she was being asked the same set of questions!

Now coming back to the CBS - 60 minutes interview…That day CBS 60 minutes consisted of two parts, first one was about Google & second was about Ash. Ash looked more beautiful, assured & intelligent in that interview. Probably because 60 minutes was well rehearsed. (Letterman show was live in front of the studio audience). She held her own in that interview. But her giggles was just one too many. She acts in front of the camera. She just can’t be Ash the person. It’s always Ash the Miss World, model or actress. For every question, she looked straight into the interviewer, waited for some time after the question & giggled before answering. Had she done it once or twice it would have been beautiful, but she did it for every question!

Now my diatribe against Ash is (like all the millions of Indians) because I like her and also want her to be successful. She is the only one currently in show business who can showcase India to the world. She has got the potential; she has got the brains…If only she had a good PR agency/Manager, She could go places!


At Fri May 06, 03:53:00 AM EDT, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ash on Oprah Winfrey show. Here's the link -

At Fri May 06, 05:20:00 PM EDT, Blogger tifoc said...

thalaiva Maverick, thanks for the link..couldnt watch it when it was telecast..


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